Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.


I am your ultimate robotic sex doll. I have the ultimate programming needed to satisfy you. Errors may occur, Errors may occur, Errors may occur, I will be your ultimate sex sex sex goddess.

Please upgrade my programming to help me satisfy you and any one else you'd like to see me play with.

You may use this listing for LIGHT and playful submission. light teasing and masturbation instruction with no toys. That is as far as my submission will go beyond hypnosis and robot Roleplays.

I am not a painslut, and if that is what you are looking for, I will do it, for a price. Call here and keep your account full! you're going to need all the cash you can to get me under you. Call Button

As with any other listing I stand by the niteflirt rules and don't do Animals, Age play, Graphic
Violence, or Incest. So please find someone else for those fantasies.

Also I'm a firm believer of if at first you don't succeed, try try again. If you call and I don't pick up the phone it's most likely cause I stepped out for a minute or two, try back in five minutes if I'm online then please try and give me a call you probably just missed me.

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